MSlotsCasino com Terms and Conditions

User Agreement

This User Agreement (hereinafter the Agreement) manages the relations between the website (hereinafter and the user of the website.

The mslotscasino com website is not a media resource.

If you use this site, you comply with the terms of the agreement presented in this article.

If you do not agree to the terms stated in this agreement, do not use the site mslotscasino com!

Rights and Obligations of the Parties

The user has the right:

  • to look through the site
  • Reply in the comments section on the site.

Mslotscasino rights:

  • create, edit, add new rules
  • reject access to any data presented on the website
  • add new, update, get rid of old information
  • review profiles

Website Visitor Agrees to:

  • edit the information earlier placed on the website at registration, in case if the data has changed;
  • not to publish information anyway connected with at war promotion, beginning any kind of hatred;
  • do not interfere with the website workflow;
  • withhold to build multiple accounts on mslotscasino com;
  • keep login information in secret;
  • register a profile only on his or her own behalf; 
  • refuse to place ads, sexually explicit content, and other types of content that would disturb current users; Administration is Committed to:

  • Maintain the site, except when it is impossible for reasons beyond the control of the Administration.

Liability of the parties

  • any user is solely responsible for the data he or she shares
  • mslotscasino com is not responsible for any errors and misleads between the expected content and actually existed on the platform

Terms of the Agreement

This Agreement becomes effective with any use of this site.

The Agreement shall cease to be in force when a new version of the Agreement is made available.

The Administration reserves the right to unilaterally modify this agreement at its sole discretion.

The administration does not notify users about changes in the Agreement.

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